A free 7-part course on organizing church as communities on mission
The pandemic has forced us to rethink our assumptions about how to equip the church to be on mission together as the body of Christ.
Live-streamed worship and Zoom gatherings aren’t going to cut it long-term. The church needs to “get small” in order to stay connected to each other and God’s mission and grow for the long haul.
Let’s be honest, though: most of our “small groups” don’t really do much. It’s either a cozy group of friends who just like hanging out together, or a Bible study with a limited sense of community. Neither of these models fosters a real community on mission together.
As the pandemic wanes, we need a new imagination for how to gather as small communities on mission. "Missional communities" were all the rage a few years ago, but many leaders gave up on them because they weren’t the silver bullet they had hoped for.
The truth is cultivating a community on mission takes a lot of time, effort, patience, and trust. As we’ve worked with hundreds of leaders over the past decade, we’ve seen the fruit that comes from this commitment is abundant: the church actually living out her calling to be the Body of Christ on mission with God in the world.
In this FREE 7-part course, you’ll learn:
Why life on mission must be more than service projects.
What to organize first: mission or community
How to deepen relationships in communities on mission
How to shift small groups to communities on mission
What to do with kids in communities on mission
Why “affinity” won't cut it in communities on mission
What it takes to organize a community on mission for the long haul